The Pittsburgh ISSA Chapter is excited to restart monthly meetings in November, now at a new location.
Our mission is to help develop Pittsburgh's Security Professionals into future industry leaders by advancing their management and technical skills. We want to bring together sponsors, technology, and core business skills.
Meeting Details:
Our Vision: interactive discussions and hands-on learning presented by other professionals covering topics of common interest to the security community, ranging from hardware use and defender tools to law, policy, and core business and leadership skills. We aim to avoid passive lectures and want to focus on engaging, hands-on walkthroughs. For each meeting, we pre-determine the topic to align with the "Top 10" lists of threats, challenges, and skills in demand.
Call to Action: We value your ongoing support and aim to strengthen relationships between members, attendees, and sponsors. If you, or someone from your company, would like to present a topic aligned with discussing current security threats and challenges, or helping members of the community develop technical and core business skills, please reach out to us:
If you would like more information on how to support a chapter meeting, Email us and Sign up for our Partner updates.
Due to the closing of the Monroeville PA Doubletree hotel, the Pittsburgh ISSA Security Forum will not be held in 2024. We are working to obtain a refund of the deposit placed with the Monroeville DoubleTree. Resolution with the hotel will determine the future of the Security Forum, as there was a significant deposit held by the hotel.
Monroeville DoubleTree Hotel abruptly shuts down (
While the Monroeville Convention Center has reversed course and will remain open, the DoubleTree where the Security Forum is a separate business and they have not made any additional announcements.